Article 22114

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Karaseva Ekaterina Ivanovna, Candidate of economic sciences, assistant, sub-department of business-informatics, Saint-Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation (67 Bolshaya Morskaya street,
Saint-Petersburg, Russia),

Index UDK



Background. Theoretical Economics is in crisis. Interdisciplinary research now is considered to be the most promising way. They allow us to formulate new methods of analysis, observe the status of economics as a particular science from the viewpoint of another spheres of knowledge. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the impact of various scientific methods of natural sciences and other sciences on evolution of the economic science.
Materials and methods. The article considers the methods from mathematics, military science, technical sciences, physics, information technology, biology, psychology, political science.
Results. Modern economics in the developed countries is the knowledge economics. The article demonstrates that economists should use suitable knowledge from all areas of sciences to solve modern economic problems. Economists have to know and apply mathematical analysis, logics, statistical methods and information technologies.
Conclusions. The ability to use knowledge and new technologies can become one of the competitive advantages of the country. It is advisable to solve complex problems of the economy not only by empirical methods, but also to apply methods and knowledge of other sciences, i.e. use the entire store of knowledge accumulated by mankind. It is especially important for Russia. This approach allows to develop new management technologies and transfer the traditional economics to the knowledge economics faster.

Key words

economics, interdisciplinary research, method, knowledge, logistics, econometrics, econophysics, information technology, logical and probabilistic methods.

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Дата создания: 26.09.2014 08:58
Дата обновления: 26.09.2014 12:13